The Prizefighters release bummer ska song “Kick the Can” as lyric video

Oh, it’s a good song, don’t get me wrong. But, golly, peppy ska songs shouldn’t be this depressing.

Titled “Kick the Can”, the track comes from their Minneapolis’ acts upcoming album Punch Up, which is due out TBA via . The track is “a call to make change “a bouncing and bubbling call-to-arms that aims to transform the hopelessness of an out-of-control climate crisis and bureaucratic inaction into a hopeful message of change.” The lyric video is trash. Quite literally the lyrics overlaid on video of just… trash. Mountains of it.

Like I said, good song, bummer video. But hopefully one that inspires us to do our part for change?

Check out the lyric video below, and visit on Bandcamp or Spotify for more from the band. TGEFM will keep our eyes peeled for more info on that release.

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