Two Minutes to Late Night and friends head back to “1979” in Smashing Pumpkins cover

Holy cow, Smashing Pumpkins double/triple LP Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is almost 30 years old. Wow, I’m old.

That brings us to metal-centric after hours entertainer Gwarsenio Hall, and Two Minutes to Late Night‘s newest entry in their bedroom cover series, Smashing Pumpkins’ hit song “1979”.

Joining Gwarsenio for the cover are Jeremy Bolm (Touché Amoré), Wade MacNeil (), Hunter Burgan (), and Daniel Tracy ().

Two Minutes To Late Night is a heavy-metal themed talk show featuring Gwarsenio Hall, the corpse-painted host and his house band, Mutoid Man. This is the 62d installment in the Patreon-supported “Bedroom Covers” where Hall and friends record metal covers. Previous covers have included a brilliant medley of 90s club hits and unique takes on Rush, Rage Against the Machine and Bonnie Raitt among others, all of which can be found here.

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