Video Premiere: Get your “FAKE NEWS REAL DRUGS” with Let’s Go!

TGEFM is ready to put it in our arm as we premiere the new single and video “FAKE NEWS REAL DRUGS” from Kamloops, Canada’s very own Let’s Go! The song and video don’t officially release until tomorrow, but we just couldn’t wait to get this into your eyes and ears!

Full disclosure here: Tyler from the band is an occasional TGEFM contributor and friend of the site. As such, we regularly twist his arm for new content to share (I kid, I kid).

The new track is a metal-tinged blazer with a loaded bass line and lots of chugga chugga palm mutes, as the band takes their aggressions out on the boob tubes that spread the fake news to the world. When asked about the track, Tyler quipped:

The irony of us releasing a pro science / anti social media song, then promptly promoting it on social media is not lost on me, so stay the fuck out of my inbox ya bunch of filthy animals.

Good job, putting yourself ahead of the controversy!

Check it out below and, underneath, you can find all of the social media and streaming links you need to keep yourself appraised of all things Let’s Go!

Let’s Go social media

Let’s Go streaming/purchase sites

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