Video premiere: Harpoon, The Whale says “T2U” in new video

Wyoming’s have unleashed their newest single, “T2U”, to the world today. But that’s not the good news… well, it is, but not the good enough news, if you catch my drift. TGEFM is super excited and honored to premiere the new video for the song, as well!

“T2U” was recorded at the legendary Blasting Room in Fort Collins, CO, and the video is footage of the band as they lay down the track in said location. For a song that clocks in at a bit over a minute, there’s a lot to it. Kaleb Rickey, guitar/vocals, says:

Since the song is only 3 parts, it felt like it wrote itself after writing the first line. There’s so much content in this 1 minute song I feel that it will resonate with listeners.

I tend to agree, this feels like a bigger song that it’s runtime suggests. Looks like Harpoon, The Whale has done something right here!

The band also has a benefit gig lined up next weekend, 13 Aug 2022, in Lander City, WY. Check out the details on that at the Facebook event page. Below you can find social and streaming links for the band, as well.


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