You bored? Pandemic got you down? Come write for TGEFM!

That’s write… errr, right! That’s Good Enough For Me is looking for creative music-lovers to write for the site! The following roles are looking for the right people to occupy them:

  • REVIEWERS Music, movies, documentaries, books… anything even tangentially related to the music scene. YOU pick what you want to review! After a “try-out” period you’ll also have the option to review promo albums prior to their release. (2 or more reviews per month)
  • INTERVIEWERS – Musicians like to talk about their music. I know! I was just as surprised as you! Get the chance to interview bands you know and love, and bands you’re just meeting for the first time. Help with the pool of interviews on offer, or suggest possible interviews. (1 or more interviews per month)
  • LONG-FORM WRITERS – Articles, band biographies, editorials, and more! Basically not the short regular news posts. This is a self-guided role where YOU propose potential stories.
  • NEWS EDITORS – Join the team that writes up the regular posts each day. Search out “new” news from musicians, labels, and more; or write up from a regularly updated list of leads. (6 or more enews posts per week)

TGEFM contributors can weave themselves in and out of any of the first three roles. Want to focus on reviews this month? Sure thing. Want to do both reviews and interviews? Totally! Want to do all four? You’re a HERO!

News editors can perform all other roles, bubt must show dedication to their primary role of writing up regular news posts.

These roles are unpaid, voluntary positions for the time being. The benefits include being part of a global community, getting access to the bands you know and love, and more!

If you are interested, click here and put “I want to write for TGEFM” in the subject line.

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