Bear Away release new(ish) single “An Oasis of Filth”

Bonus tracks tacked onto regional limited edition physical releases are both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they promote exclusivity and a desire to pay full price for a physical product, putting a known quantity of money into the bands' pockets right away (a strong motivator in the streaming age). On the other hand, man… it sucks not getting to hear that special track if you can get a copy.

Well, Scarbourough, UK's have landing on the happy place right in-between: let the track stew for a bit for those who shelled out, and then release it for broader consumption. Such is the case for their song “An Oasis of Filth”. The track, which is super awesome, was a bonus track on the Japanese version of the Oct 2022 LP A Drastic Tale of Western Living, released regionally by Waterslide Records.

You can now listen to the new song below, and grab a copy of the album from other co-release labels Brassneck Records, Sell The Heart Records (USA), Shield Recordings (EU).

Take a listen to the new album below, and visit Bear Away's Bandcamp or Spotify to hear more (or grab a copy direct from the band at BC).