“Curse the Universe” with new single/video from by Half Past Two

Ska/pop act are barreling toward the release of their new album Talk Is Killing Me, due out 19 Apr 2024 via . They keep the interest going with the newest single and vide :Curse the Universe” and, I'll have to admit, they continue to deliver some of the best videos around.

Preorders for the album are up for digital DL and vinyl, and be sure to swing by their Bandcamp or Spotify for more.

They'll also be hitting the road in June with hyperska act Eichlers along for the ride. The tour will launch in San Diego and loop around the southwest before finishing up in Ogden, UT. The tour is in addition to their upcoming east coast USA tour in April, and their back-to-back record release shows in May in San Francisco and Santa Ana.