EP review: Hunting Lions – “Dark”

Pirates Press Records – 17 Mar 2023

Bay Area punk veterans Hunting Lions deliver their debut fully formed.

This is some classic sounding Bay Area punk from some old school Bay Area punk dudes. That alone should be enough reason for you to give a listen. Current and former members of Swngin' Utters, Roadside Bombs, The Beltones, US Bombs, and Tiger Army have joined forces to create something that's familiar in all the right ways. It combines elements of the previously mentioned bands, but still maintains its own personality. This is not a band trying to find its way. Hunting Lions arrive fully formed. 

Hunting Lions debut LP has been split into two distinct parts. The first half is Dark, to be followed by Light. To be clear, not every song on Dark is actually dark. As a matter of fact, a thread of positivity runs through these songs that are often born of frustration. Opener “The City” laments the way that San Francisco has changed, but doesn't feel hopeless. “KOTA” (King of the Avenue) has a melodic, street punk swagger. 

Every song on Dark has a catchy sing along chorus. Even the aggressive “War”, which refreshingly finds the old punk dudes defending the kids. There's nowhere to put a lyric sheet, so “BNO” remains mysterious. What's clear is that the lead guitar work is killer, as are the gang vocals. Closer “Dead Generation” seems less optimistic about the kids, but might be the catchiest song on the record. 

Fans Youth Brigade, Rancid, and Street Dogs, as well as the previously mentioned bands are going to love Hunting Lions. Their debut strikes an appealing balance between the gruffness punk needs and the melody that ears crave. It sounds as good as it looks, which is no small feat. Light can't come soon enough.