First Impressions Review: Non La – “Take Care” single/video

Mint Records – 27 Feb 2024

Sometimes a lead lands in our internal channels and, even though I put it there, I'm not always certain where I found it (TGEFM probably gathers about 3-4x more leads per day than we have time or space to post). So when I was going back through everything and taking quick listen to streams and looks at videos, the newest from struck me. Full disclosure: I often jump ahead in a song or video to get past any intro stuff, and in this case I want ahead a bit too far and came into this video at about the 1m29s mark. I was immediately consumed by what I was seeing on the screen that for several seconds I froze, and then quickly went back to the beginning to start over again.

The song is a slow-burning somber track that builds to a crescendo without blowing out the speakers. It's an alt/indie/shoe-gaze kinda tune that is more ambient and enjoyable than in-your-face. However the video, directed by Christina Fu is, coupled with the song, one of my favorite things so far this year. I know this is a “First Impressions” review, but I've rewatched it about three times while writing this. It pairs so well with the music that it's already indelibly imprinted on my mind to connect the two. It's sooo good!

First Impressions are whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

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