First Impressions Review: The Haermorrhoids – “At The Earth’s Core”

Monster Zero / Mom's Basement, 30 Jun 2023

Germany's have already announced a new album called At The Earth's Core and dropped the lead single “Hold Me Tight” (I reviewed it here).  That one arrives 08 Jul via the venerable Monster Zero and Mom's Basement Records.  Now, the band has delivered another pre-release single, this one the title track.

“At The Earth's Core” contrasts quite a lot from “Hold Me Tight”.  That one felt like a great 50's pop rock song, something from Buddy Holly, or more recently Trevor Blendour.  “At The Earth's Core” wades nowhere near that territory.  It's a powerful punk rock song with destructive guitar chord progressions and terrific Ramones-style guitar hooks.  The vocals sound really cool, too, but don't seem to be the focus of the song in the way they were on “Hold Me Tight” (though the vocal melody is still sticking in my brain from this one).  “At The Earth's Core” reminds me much more of something from The Lillingtons world, or maybe The Proton Packs.  It's a great song and has me curious about the direction of the upcoming At The Earth's Core.

  • Song Comes From: At The Earth's Core
  • Album Release Date: 08 Jul 2023
  • Purchase/Pre-Order/Pre-Save: album pre-order not yet available; song stream: Apple Music / Spotify

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