Premiere: Overcoming the “Negativity” with Pine Creek Academy

In early February we had the distinct honor to premiere a new single and video, “Stained Glass,” from Pennsylvania's . Now we've got another new one for you and, perchance, it's even better?

I'll admit that, from a personal taste standpoint, I'm not a huge fan of the anthemic, arena-style of pop-punk. But if more of it was as well-composed, recorded, and mixed like what Pine Creek Academy have been putting out, with their power-pop sensibilities mixed in with some melodic punk beats and rousing crescendoes than, maybe… but what PCA does they just do so well!

“Negativity” is about overcoming hardships and finding the positive outlook in the end. So many people today find it easy to see the downside to things and fall into dark places. This song portrays not just avoiding negative people, but rather to lend out a hand and spread positivity amongst each other. The video shows a group of “positive” people tracking down a troubled mind and  converting him to a more happier mindset. Having depression myself, i hope this song can resonate with others who struggle with this daily.

The video sees negativity personified as someone dressed in an Eeyore costume and, well, I don't want to give too much away, but it's a blast.

Official site