Premiere: The Classic Blunders just can’t “Change”

Lansing, MI's may be a new band, but their members are anything but new to the scene. Comprised of scene vets from the area, the trio brings their collective experience to their newest project.

TGEFM is super-stoked to be a part of that with our premiere of the band's third single, “Change.” The track follows up last month's “Leech” and their March debut single “Baytowne Heights.” But why can't they just change? Guitarist/vocalist Brandon Purvis explains:

This song is about a relationship I (Brandon (guitar/vocals)) had that was absolutely beyond doomed from the start due to circumstances that neither one of us had any control over in the moment. We both tried to make it work; but when it finally did end, I came home to a signed note she had left on my doorstep implying we would likely never see each other again. It was exactly the type of thing you see in movies and hopefully never encounter in real life.

It's Midwest power-punk in the best sense.

Get this: This act is so new that, as The Classic Blunders, they haven't played a live gig yet. That all changes tomorrow, Friday 24 May 2024, when they officially debut “Change,” and themselves, at Mac's Bar in their hometown. Joining them for the occasion will be Commitment Issues, LibCor, and Ghostwrite.

“Change” pre-save link
Linktree (streaming, socials and more)